Technical Stage Visits

Tailor Made Technical Audit Services

Early in the development the visit is best undertaken with the various trade supervisors so that any defects identified can be discussed to improve their understanding and knowledge.  

It also allows the supervisors time to discuss aspects of construction where the defect has occurred due to the impact that the work carried out by another trade has had on the following trades.  The sequencing or method of work can then be changed to the advantage of both trades.

When carrying out a key stage visit, work should be complete by all trades to a specific point. The work should be snagged by the trade supervisor and accepted by the site management. This allows an accurate reflection of any defects to be documented.

If possible, 2 or 3 plots should be viewed as different teams of the same trade may have carried out the work on the plot.

 Often plots are of different configurations or locations such as being on the top floor or actual n the roof space.  There is then the potential for different defects to arise.

Where time allows other work can be viewed that is being undertaken.Unless otherwise requested, the visit would take around 3 hours and the draft report would be with you within 6 hours and the detailed report within 72 hours.

The visit would consist of advising where compliance with the Building Regulations and NHBC Standards are not met for that stage of work.  If a different remit is provided, details such as drawings, specifications, and material details to assist with the report’s accuracy would need to be sent a week before the visit.

About this Process

Technical Stage Visits

  • Visits Conducted at Key stages
  • Information provided is referenced against recognised guidance
  • Detailed Report with 72 hours

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